Levensmotto’s zijn spreuken of zinnen die je helpen om de dag door te komen, of je leven te leven. Veel mensen hebben een Levensmotto, vaak in het Engels. Deze levensmotto’s of life motto’s zijn in het Engels. Hieronder zie je een lijst met een aantal mooie levens motto’s.
Engelse levensmotto’s
- If you change yourself, then who are you?
- Dreaming and doing are different things.
- Be nice to your enemies, it will drive them crazy.
- If he can do it, so can I.
- Lead from the back, and let others believe they are in front.
- You can do anything you set your mind to.
- Conceive, believe, achieve.
- Never give up.
- As long as there is life, there is hope.
- Live the life.
- Do the best. Be the Best. Being Second is not motivating.
- Make love, not war.
- Look in the mirror… That’s your competition.
- Live in the moment.
- Treat yourself as a queen and you will attract a king.
- Always be yourself. Unless you can be a unicorn. Then always be a unicorn.
- Dreaming and doing are different things.
- You may fall so many times, but always stand up.
- Learn from yesterday; live for today; hope for tomorrow.
- Great minds have purposes, others have wishes.
- Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.
- Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.
- Absolutely nothing is as bad as it seems.
- Only talk when you have too. The rest of the time, just stand there and look good.
- It’s impossible to fail, as long as you never quit.

- Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
- Be a Leader…not a Follower.
- Life is what you make of it.
Try and try until you succeed.
- Be a Leader, not a Follower.
- Trying is the first step toward failure.
- Be yourself.
- If you can dream it, you can do it.
- What is beauty when your brain is empty.
- You gotta do what you gotta do.
- If you put your mind to it, you can do it.
- Imagination will bring you everywhere.
- Be yourself and not a copy.
- Respect is a key.
Meer Engelstalige motto’s
- Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
- Wealth is the product of man’s capacity to think.
- Be what you want to be, not what people want to see.
- Happiness is not an ideal of reason, but of imagination.
- Always keep balance for everything.
- It’s impossible to fail, as long as you never quit.
- Dance lightly with life.
- There is no death, only a change of worlds.
- Life is too beautiful to take for granted.
- Expect problems and eat them for breakfast.
- Change your thoughts and you can change your world.
- There is always room at the top.
- Do no evil and have no fear.
- Friends are the sunshine of life.
- After a stoms comes a calm.
- What goes around, comes around.
- I should probably be working on something right now.
- Try until u succeed.
- Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can.
- Nothing matters very much, and very few things matter at all.
- Be nice to your enimees it will drive them crazy.
- Always move forward.

- The only person looking out for you, is you.
- If it were easy, then everyone would do it.
- You gotta do what you gotta do.
- Everything in moderation, including moderation.
- Where ever you go, there you are.
- No pain no gain.
- Treat others the way you want to be treated.
- Live every day like you’re filming a reality television show.
- What doesn’t kill you will make you stronger.
Gerelateerde onderwerpen:
Engelse levensmotto’s (lifemotto’s) (deel 2)
Levensmotto’s in het Nederlands
Weet jij nog een goed of grappig Levensmotto in het Engels? Laat dan een bericht achter met je motiverende life motto.
don’t love the life you live but live the life you love
Poverty is god’s way to tell you, you’re a faillure.
A friend is somebody, who asks you how you are’and who wants to know the answer.
To quarrel is better than loniness.
All the rivers flow to the oceans, but the oceans they don’t fill.
Though the water of the river is always different, the river is always the same.
No bird flies too high, if he flies on his own wings.
Even a dwarf can reach the fruit on the highest branches if he stands on the shoulders of a giant.
God must love stupid people, he made a lot of them.
The wind is always favourable for who knows, which way she blows.
The sun makes us see the blind man, but the blind man doesn’t see the sun.
It’s easier to believe a lie, you’ve heard a 1000 times than a truth, you hear for the first time.
Being intelligent and not using it is the same as being stupid.
If you never fail, your successes mean nothing.
There’s never enough for someone, for whom enough is not enough.
Reading in the dark is just as bad for your eyes as whispering is for your ears.
The sickness comes on a horse but goes on foot.
Freedom to do what someone allows you to do is no freedom.
The heart is like a big castle, with a room for everyone in it.
If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing well.
That, which is beautiful is not always good, but that, which is good, is always beautiful.
It is better to regret something you did do than something you didn’t do.
One needs to be unfair to be loyal.
I cried, because I had no shoes. But then I met a man, who had no feet.
Do not step into the heaven of love if you like freedom and peace.
If you enter the heaven of love, say goodbye to freedom and peace.
It is better to believe in a god and to later find out, there isn’t than to not believe in a god and to later find out there is.
I got a gun in my hand and a bullet whit youre name, finger on the trigger click clack okay?
Keep or dream it
The human spirit is not measured by the size of the act, but by the size of the heart.
” Step into my shoes and walk the life I’m living and if you as far as I am, maybe you will see how strong I really am. ”
” Fall in love with someone who deserves your heart, not with someone who plays with it.. ”
” You’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody watching, love like you’ll never be hurt, sing like there is nobody listening and live like it’s heaven on earth. ”
” A man bought 12 flowers. 11 real and 1 fake. He said, I will love you until the last flower dies. ”
” Love is love, love is you, i love love so i love you. ”
” I was smiling yesterday, I am smiling today and I will smile tomorrow. Simply because life is too short to cry for anything. “
Life is like a box of chocolates. You will never know what you gonna get.
weet iemand nog een mooie Engelse naam voor een vrachteagen
believe in yourself, always!
Follow your heart
Maybe you were looking , but you weren’t really seeing
Follow your own way
Oh yes, the past can hurt.. But you can either run from it or.. learn from it
Being crazy isn’t enogh :)
Lifes goes on
If you put your mind to it, you can do it
don”t cry don’t die
Head up,
Stay strong,
Fake smile,
Move on.
Stars can’t shine without darkness.
Don’t cry… Say f*** you and smile.
Inmagine, believe, achieve!
Hold On, Pain Ends..
Smile today,
Cry tomorow
(Read this every day)
Be careful who you trust,
The devil was once an angel.
If someone hurts you say: ” I won’t cry for you, my mascara is too expensive”
Be different!!!
Sweet as sugar,
Cold as ice,
Hurt me once,
Kill you twice.
Use things, not people.
Love people, not things.
No music, no life.
Be proud on who you are
Respect is a key
Before you judge me, make sure you’re perfect.
Carpe diem
don’t worry be happy
wish it,dream it ,do it
home is where our story begins
home is where the hart is
you are always in my hart
Ik wil graag een tattoo maar weet niet wat iemand nog leuke idee
Ben een jonge moeder en het lijkt me erg leuk om iets in die richting te laten tatoeëren dankje
be how you want to be not how other people want you to be
Be yourself and not a copy <3
Hihi xxxx Esmee