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Mooie zinnen in de Engelse taal
A friend is someone who reaches for your hand but touches your heart.

Nobody noticed the way you feel inside.
I talk about you all day, but when you’re there, I’m speechless.
I’m so done with wishing he feels the same for me.
It’s sad when somebody you know becomes somebody you knew, and when someone you love becomes someone you hate.
There’s no greater power than the power of goodbye.
It’s better to be hated for what you are, than loved for what you’re not.
Because of you I’m forced to fake a smile, a laugh every day of my life.
I didn’t believe in love anymore until I met you.
I know you and you know me and that’s all that matters.
Love is just love, till you give it away.
Love won’t leave you alone.
A lot of money does not stink, people do.
A promise is forever, at least that’s what they say, welcome to reality they’re broken every day.
Let’s walk together, and make memories of love.
Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.
Really strange how people can suddenly change from a sweetheart into a cold-blooded person.
I thought that I would die without you, but I’m living.
If you want to be loved, be lovable.
I think I need a sunrise, I’m tired of sunset.
It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
Money for nothing and chicks for free.
I am on a light diet. I eat by daylight, by moonlight, and sometimes the refrigerator light.
Draw a line and live about it.
I don’t miss him, I miss who I thought he was.
Believe in miracles, but don’t depend on them.
I wish i could go back to the day I was born, layin in your arms, wishin you were here today mom.
I want to know the truth, instead of wondering why, I want to know the answers, and no more lies.
Money does not stink, but how dirty is it?
I still get butterflies every time he passes by.
I feel so far from where I’ve been.
Inside you’ll find things you don’t see from the outside.
Your name is forever planted in my brain.
Always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them so much.
I love it when a plan comes together.
Dream as if you’ll live forever, but live as if you’ll die today.
Laughing at your mistakes can extend your Life. Laughing at your wife’s mistakes can shorten it.
Borrow money costs money.
You’ve got to live the life you want to remember.
Success is simple. Do what’s right, the right way, at the right time.
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, never let it fade away.
Love is a battlefield.
It’s hard to except something that you thought would never happen.
What makes you different ,makes you beautiful.
And every night I pray to god the things you say are true, because I’m so afraid to lose you.
What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I tried so hard and got so far.
Nothing is ever what it seems when you live inside your dreams.
Even though the job sucks, it pays good money.
Love is when you don’t want to sleep, because reality is better than dreams.
The love we share, seems to go nowhere, and I’ve lost my light.
People change and things go wrong, but always remember that life goes on.
We are all black, when the lights go out.
Love is that one word that no one really understands, even if they say they do.
Daddy always said ,If boy’s don’t like you they are gay.
I don’t cry because I love you, but because it’s so hard not to.
At Christmas we forget all our money problems and think of fun things.
On the first page of our story, the future seemed so bright. Then this ting turned out so evil, don’t know why i’m still surprised.
Hope is holding on when you know it’s time to let go.
Beauty is not in the face, beauty is a light in the heart.
You took my past, please, don’t take my future.
Sometimes the heart sees what’s invisible to the eyes.
You have the key to my heart.
I feel so lost without you, it’s hard to find a new soul.
Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.
I want to be your favourite hello and your hardest goodbye.
You make me smile when youre not even trying.
A single rose can be my garden, a single friend my world.
I’ll never forget you, you’ve coloured my soul and you’ll stay in my heart forever.
I wanna live inside a love that shines bright enough to last a lifetime.
The two hardest things in life to say are hello for the first time, and goodbye for the last.
When I woke up this morning, you were on my mind.
No matter what, you’ll always be in my heart.
And I try to remember that the only people who can hurt you, the once are that you love.
Money must roll, but not the wrong way.
So I put on my make up, put a smile on my face and if anyone asks me, everything is ok.
You probably won’t even remember half of the things I’ll never forget.
If love is rough with you, be rough with love.
It’s hard to tell your mind stop loving someone, if your heart still does.
And when I fell for him I never knew how hard it would be to get back up.
I say goodbye cause nothing good can last.
To avoid sickness eat less, to prolong life worry less.
Everytime you walk into my life, all i do is see how long it will be until you leave me again.
Any guy can love a thousand girls, but only a real guy can love a girl in a thousand ways.
You can spent your money only once, so think before you buy.
I cry when angels deserve to die.
Just wish I have the guts to tell you that I love you.
Money is like love, you can not do without.
If you would be the moon, I would be the star, so we could be together, no matter were we are.
Let love be blind innocent and tenderly true.
Never argue with a fool, people might not know the difference.
I’m not beautiful like you, I’m beautiful like me.
There’s is no one in the world who makes me so crazy like you do.
With you I want to spend the rest of me life.
Friends and good manners will carry you where money won’t go.
You got me doing things I never do, yesterday I even caught myself thinking about you.
I keep searching deep within my soul, for all the answers, I don’t wanna hurt no more.
Be true to yourself and follow your heart.
And when you start to miss me, remember you let me go.
Just because you never cared doesn’t mean I don’t.
There is no such thing as a past, it’s just a memory that fades up.
She acts like he means absolutely nothing to her, but everyone can tell he’s her whole world.
To work hard for your moneey makes you happier than to get it.
So far away, but so close to the heart.
As we lie beneath the stars, we realize how small we are.
Trying to forget someone you once loved, is like trying to remember someone you’ve never known.
If they could love like you and me, imagine what the world would be.
There are two great days in a person’s life, the day you were born, and the day you figure out why.
If I’m not made for you, then why does my heart tells me that I am.
I need a hand to write, a leg to walk and you to live.
Do you choose love or money?
I hope life isn’t a big joke, because I don’t get it.
Each step I take is just a reminder of how weak I am.
Designed in heaven, made on earth.
Behind my smile is something you’ll never understand.
All she needs is a boy who will take her in his arms and tell her its okay to cry.
I want to be what you always needed.
How can I love you if you don’t talk to me?
Dream with me, make me believe that this is a real-life fairytale.
There is something in our hearts worth fighting for, but some secrets better left untold.
I’m not arrogant ,I’m just better than you are.
I’m sinking down and I feels like I could die.
Open your eyes boy, can`t you see she loves you.
Letting go doesn’t mean giving up, it means accepting that some things weren’t ment to be.
She listens to that special song over and over again just because it reminds her of him.
Sometimes I wish he loved me the way I love him.
The first step to getting the things you want out of life is to decide what you want.
Kindness is the ability to love people more than they really deserve.
A smiling face, doesn’t always mean a smiling heart.
We drink one another’s health and spoil our own.
Listen to me, understand what I’m saying and realize one day how much I care.
If I told you that I love you, would you say you loved me too or would you think I was an idiot for saying it?
Never dry your eyes if you still want to cry.
Far away from everything but so together.
Never let the things go that makes you smile.